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we can clean your online reputation

​Why reputation matters

Some times people write things about us that at the moment we pay no atention, but then comes a time where we are judged based on those articles and then it could be too late for a quick remedy.

Misleading, Inaccurate and negative mentions and lings in the search results when your name is searched can adversely affect the impression people have of you or your business


Your reputation is based on the search engine results

As of today, People very seldom ask others for character references,. They now run your name or that of your business and allow google to throw the results about you, and whatever google says, is true to them even if it is a campaign to discredit you and your business.


Search engines like yahoo, Google, Bing, AltaVista and others do not run a fact check verification before they publish the results, to the search engines, whatever was written is the truth, and that by itself represents a clear and present danger for you and your business, because at the end of the day, no one will like to do business with you or your company.



Some times the results given are not even related to you or your business

There are many people with the same name around the globe, and when people do a search on search engines they get at least 10 to 15 people with the same name and they figure is you, because they searched you by first and last name and to them it is impossible for 2 people to have the same name and last name-

Search engines cannot tell if it is the real person, a cloned named, stolen identity or you, it simply gives the results,  and that makes it dangerous for you or your company.



Incorrect searches and results are bad for you and your company


Those incorrect searches and results influence how everyone views  your personality or your company´s work ethics  ​. People expect to find good results when their search for their loved ones, family, friends, co workers or the company they have hired or are planning to hire-


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